About Dr Kelsey
First and foremost Dr Kelsey was trained and educated to be a minister. Second generation clergy with decades of experience in organizing, planning and getting things done. A late in life, post retirement career of Wedding Officiant led Dr Kelsey to the unexpected role of Wedding Professional. After a decade of serving thousands of couples Dr Kelsey is well networked in the industry but NOT considered the wedding vendors best friend. Why? Because Dr Kelsey is the couple's best friend. Applying a practical and pragmatic approach to putting together a DAY TO REMEMBER that puts YOU- the couple's interest above that of the vendor Dr Kelsey is well equipped to ensure that your day is planned both stress free, managed in a way that puts YOUR interest first always. Dr Kelsey knows the fine print in the contracts and understands the needs and desires of the couple. There is a balance to be found between paying affordable prices fitting in to tight budgets and affording the vendor enough room to profit from their participation in the event. In his career Dr Kelsey has managed million dollar projects, planning, organizing and executing from ground level to reach a successful extremely satisfying conclusion.

The Small Details

Having officiated thousands of weddings in his career one of the quotes used in many of the ceremonies states that 'in marriage the little things are the big things". This holds true in planning and executing a successful wedding event as well. Take note of what couples have to say about Dr Kelsey and his services over the years.